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Showing posts from January, 2018

On Anger and Getting Older ~ By Angela C.

I recently experienced the last day of my 20s. I wanted to make sure my day was full of things that were of value to me in my 20s that I wanted to continue to place value in as I entered a new decade of life. The day consisted of scripture study, journaling, yoga, and service. It also felt really important to make it to the temple, but for whatever reason I made it there much later than I had planned. As I was walking in, I saw a couple, who I assumed were not members because of how they were dressed and the fact that they weren’t carrying temple bags. The gentleman half of this couple was very apparently angry. “Are you a member of this church?” he vehemently asked me. “Yes,” I responded. “Can you tell me why they won’t let me in? We are Catholics. Devout Catholics. I’ve been all over the world and visited temples, mosques, churches and cathedrals. And every religion lets me in to their houses of worship to see what they do. You will not. Why?” I began

It's the Little Things ~ By Kimberly P.

Welcome to our brand new Sweetwater Sisterhood blog!   Our first post comes from Kimberly P.   Thanks for your willingness to share and be the first Kimberly! I don’t have grand miracles happen often in my life. I usually have small miracles that strengthen my testimony little by little.   I had two small experiences recently that have increased my understanding and testimony of service: A couple of years ago my family caught a cold, and it hit me hard. We had just found out I was pregnant but weren't announcing it yet. I felt terrible, but didn’t feel like it was worth it to bother anyone to ask for help. A sister from our ward sent me a text asking if they could bring dinner to our family since we were sick. I responded with something about it just being a cold and not wanting to inconvenience her. She was persistent, and I was so grateful. I think sometimes it’s hard to accept service because we don’t want to “put other people out”. It was clear that t