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It's the Little Things ~ By Kimberly P.

Welcome to our brand new Sweetwater Sisterhood blog!  

Our first post comes from Kimberly P.  
Thanks for your willingness to share and be the first Kimberly!

I don’t have grand miracles happen often in my life. I usually have small miracles that strengthen my testimony little by little.  I had two small experiences recently that have increased my understanding and testimony of service:

A couple of years ago my family caught a cold, and it hit me hard. We had just found out I was pregnant but weren't announcing it yet. I felt terrible, but didn’t feel like it was worth it to bother anyone to ask for help.

A sister from our ward sent me a text asking if they could bring dinner to our family since we were sick. I responded with something about it just being a cold and not wanting to inconvenience her. She was persistent, and I was so grateful. I think sometimes it’s hard to accept service because we don’t want to “put other people out”. It was clear that this sister was responding to a prompting from the Spirit, since the Lord knew I was hesitant to ask for help myself.  

The second experience happened last month. I had a goal to do service projects as a family leading up to Christmas, especially because I wanted my daughter have that opportunity.  I had a hard time coming up with service opportunities, and then we all got the seasonal flu--my service plans were foiled!  I was so frustrated and disappointed that December wasn’t the Christ-centered service month I was hoping for. 

However, a few days ago my daughter and I were having some girl time.  We had rushed out of the house so my daughter brought her breakfast with her to eat while we were out.  In front of a store I saw a man digging in the trash for food.  I pointed the man out to my daughter and asked if she’d like to give him her breakfast. She said she wanted to share. When we gave it to him he said, “God bless.” This small gesture helped me remember that we serve so that others can feel the love of our Heavenly Father, and not just fill a month with extra things to do.

Through these two small experiences I learned that Heavenly Father is in control and knows when to give us opportunities to serve and be served. I am grateful for the sister that listened to the prompting from the Spirit to serve our family. I am grateful that we were in the right place and had our hearts open to giving food to someone who was hungry. I’m grateful that, even though it wasn’t on my time, Heavenly Father helped my daughter feel the spirit that comes from helping someone in need.  


  1. That is one of my favorite scriptures. I too wanted to go hard core with the “Light the World” campaign, and it just didn’t go as planned for us either. But like you, we have encountered other simple ways to serve since then. ☺️

  2. Thanks for this! I also had grand hopes to help my kids serve in December. In the end we did very little, but ended up having a quiet Christmas with less stress, which looking back was so much better for our family. We just need to serve in simple ways year round :)

  3. When Dave again called to the Stake presidency, I was given this quote by John Milton "They also serve who only stand and wait." I've thought about this quote often lately. I've realized that I can have grand plans to serve but what I really need to do is to listen to those promptings when I am WAITING for answers. He will direct my service in more beneficial ways than I could ever plan.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing. Big things can shape one's life, but I think the little ones come much more often; dropping the oil one needs in their lamp, like you said,
    building one's testimony and thus bringing one, one step closer on the wonderful
    journey to Eternal Salvation. We are so loved. Hugs


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